Step through our Main Entrance to items from a bi-gone past.
Steam Powered items, tools, tractors, mining equipment and much
more. We also feature two museums which display many interesting
items - pictured below.
"It began rather innocently in
1959. I had a lot of junk around my house in Grants Pass and my
wife wanted me to get rid of it. Instead of taking it to the
junkyard, I decided to build a museum and tourist attraction. I was
mayor of Grants Pass at that time, and I was concerned about the
welfare and business climate of the country. I wanted a place that
would attract tourists and would get them to stay in the area and
spend money. I never advertised except by word of mouth. I wanted
people to get lost trying to find it and maybe stop in Merlin to
buy groceries looking for Pottsville".
Debbs Potts

As you enter the main entrance area you will see old pumps and equipment.
You will find several
tractors from the past, a sawmill area, equipment & more.
Here you will find an array of wonderful antique and vintage items
such as this 1950's Soda Fountain, War memorabilia and medals, old
typewriters, phones, and more.

Antique toys and collectibles, Old stoves, clocks, display cases from a bygone era.
Old medical devices from the 1800's through
early 1900's include an antique wheelchair, like the one FDR used
when he was US President, a doctor's chair, and other medical
equipment from the past, including an antique medical drill.

From one of the earliest washing
machines to a Montgomery Wards Cream Separator, our agricultural
display gives you a glimpse into our historical past and the
machines our grandparents and great-grandparents used..
Some include a Very Rare
Chicken Plucker, pumps, harnesses, tools and more.
Featured here is a 1926 FORDSON TRACTOR Mass-produced by Henry Ford & Son Inc. from 1917 to 1964, the Fordson captured the public's imagination, with a reliable design and a low price affordable for workers and farmers, costing $750.00 in 1926. The average wage in 1926 was $1,043.00

Antique saw, cutters, farm tools, pumps and other agriculture &
farm equipment..
The next time you open your refrigerator or
place a pot of water on the stove to boil, consider how far the
kitchen has come – for example, to keep food cold, an iceman would
deliver ice for your ice box by horse drawn ice wagons, using tongs
to hold the cubes. No knobs to turn on, on a wood stove. Grab an
ax, chop and gather the wood, and stoke your fire. Now you are
ready to start your meal. Other items include old scales, utensils,
barrels and bottles, an ice box, wall telephone, pictures and more.

Spinning wheels were used for spinning animal or plant fibers
into continuous threads of yarn. They can be used to make yarn from
a wide variety of fibrous material. Plant fibers spun into yarn for
knitting or weaving fabric include cotton, hemp, flax and sisal.
Also featured is a Victrola record player, sewing machine and
a Player Piano !
Certificates and awards from 24 years as a State Senator and 18
years as Oregon's First Lottery Chairman are displayed on the walls
of Debb's Reading Library. The library also contains books from Oregon's past, photographs, and speeches.

Painted with a 3-dimensional
diorama by Mark Jones. This room features:
1865 "MUD WAGON"
Drawn by four horses, the advantage of a
"Mud Wagon" and the origin of its nickname was its lightness,
allowing it to travel over "muddy" roads or up steep mountainous
slopes. It was also called a mud wagon because passengers were
often covered with mud from the horses and wheels upon their
arrival to their destination. This was caused by the open sides of
the coach.
The journey from Kerby (Kerbyville), Oregon to Crescent
City, California took 30 hours, traveling day and night. Today, it
takes an hour and a half today.
This Horse-Drawn "Paddy Wagon" was originally a nickname for
"patrol wagon," in the same manner police cars are called
patrol cars today. It was used for arresting as well as
transportation of prisoners.
Visit our Car museum and see this 1925 Ford Model TT C-Cab. It was only made for two years from 1925 - 1927. Its top speed was 22 MPH. There is no fuel gauge, you would check the fuel by dipping a measuring stick into the tank located under the seat. The throttle is controlled with a lever on the steering wheel.

One thing Debbs couldn't stand seeing were old things being thrown
away. "That probably comes from the fact that I was never been able
to afford new equipment," chuckled Debbs. "I got in the habit of
repairing castoffs and keeping them to use. That just naturally
turned me into a collector of anything I could fix up." Look
closely at these vehicles, and you will see the imperfections and
ingenuity of a Machinists Mate and his friends. Debbs, George,
Allan, Bill and Gary forged the needed pieces to tell the story of
an older time.

View of the "Pottsville Fire truck". We also feature the Pottsville Taxi!
CONTACT US Or CALL: 541-476-7319
Pottsville is an all-volunteer organization. No salaries or compensation.
Donations directly support renovations and improvements at Pottsville